Juvenile Justice Commission
The Juvenile Justice Commission (“JJC”)
The JJC of Napa County is a state mandated commission under the purview of the Napa County Superior Court who appoints its commissioners. The purpose of the JJC is to inquire into the administration of juvenile justice in Napa County and to ensure the juvenile justice system promotes dignity, fairness, inclusiveness and respect for Napa County youth, their families, and their communities.
The JJC’s responsibilities include:
Annual Inspection
Annual inspection of juvenile facilities including any jails or detention facilities within the County where a youth has been held in secured detention. An annual inspection report is prepared and submitted to the Board of State Community Corrections.
Monthly Meetings
Conducting meetings on matters related to juvenile law in the County. The Commission is an adjunct of the State judiciary and is therefore not subject to the open meeting requirements of the Ralph M. Brown Act (California Government Code Sections 54950 et seq.).
Advocating for Youth
Advocating for needed services for youth in the justice system.
The Juvenile Justice Commissioners
The Juvenile Justice Commission consists of a minimum of seven and no more than fifteen community volunteers appointed by the Presiding Judge of the Napa Superior Court. Youth members are between 14 and 21 years of age. Adult members serve four-year terms and may apply for reappointment. Youth members serve one two-year term.
Although no specialized professional background or experience is required, discretion and integrity are required in the conduct of Commission business.
The JJC commissioners are sworn in by the Presiding Judge of the Napa Superior Court. Each commissioner must sign an Oath of Confidentiality. The oath states that Commissioners will keep Juvenile Justice Commission matters, juvenile records, cases observed, investigation specifics, and inspection reports confidential. Commissioners use the authority of the Juvenile Justice Commission only in the interest of the youth of the County, using discretion, diligence, and integrity in the conduct of Commission business.
Apply to the Juvenile Justice Commission
For more information about applying to be a JJC Commissioner, please contact the Napa Superior Court Executive Office at (707) 299-1110 or the JJC Chairperson Amanda Bevins at 707-492-5343. Please use the link below to access the JJC Commissioner application. Applications will be accepted until the vacancies are filled.
Juvenile Justice Commission Application
Contact Information:
Although the JJC Meetings are not open to the public, the JJC is happy to answer any questions, provide information or consider any suggestions from the public concerning Juvenile justice in Napa County. The JJC contact information is below.
Juvenile Justice Commission
Chairperson Amanda Bevins
1766 Third Street, Suite B
Napa, CA 94559
Juvenile Justice Commission
c/o Napa County Juvenile Probation
212 Walnut Street
Napa, CA 94559